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4 Social Media Mistakes to Avoid During Your Divorce

 Posted on August 04,2022 in Divorce

Collin County Divorce AttorneyMost of us are rarely, if ever, more than just a few feet from our mobile devices. For some people, social media outlets such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook are an important way to share their lives with their friends and acquaintances. Social media critics, including many mental health professionals and relationship experts, believe that the image of ourselves that we portray on social media is essentially an idealized version that was created for the public—a version that generally downplays the struggles of life and only highlights “perfect” photos and positive achievements.

Social media use can also cause problems during a divorce. Such problems could directly affect the legal proceedings, while others might slow your healing process and keep you from moving on with your life. If you are thinking about filing for divorce or the process has already begun, be sure to avoid the following behaviors on social media.

Too Much, Too Soon

On many social media sites, you have the option to list your “relationship status.” With this in mind, it might be tempting to change yours soon after deciding to seek a divorce. This is not a good idea in most cases. You and your spouse could change your minds and decide to reconcile. Even more likely, your family and friends will probably notice the change, leading to uncomfortable questions and discussions before you are ready to have them.

Sharing the Dirty Details

You are probably already frustrated with your spouse, but as your divorce proceeds, your emotions are likely to become even stronger at times. You might even want the world to know exactly how you feel. Be careful, though, because anything you post could eventually find its way into the legal part of your divorce. In addition, airing the “dirty laundry” of your marriage could make your family members and mutual friends feel that they have to pick sides. Your “followers” and “friends” do not really need to know that you want primary custody of your children or that your spouse cheated on you five years ago.

Living Out Loud

There are other types of posts that could be spun as evidence in your divorce proceedings, especially if they lack context. Maybe you recently treated yourself to some “retail therapy” at the mall, for example. While you are certainly allowed to do things to help yourself feel better, photos of lots of expensive purchases could become problematic—especially if you are asking for spousal maintenance in your divorce. Likewise, social media photos of you enjoying your new single life—which might include alcoholic beverages and dating—could be presented as a suggestion that you are too irresponsible to be awarded significant parenting responsibilities.

Blocking or Spying on Your Spouse

“Moderation” is an important concept when it comes to the social media relationship you have with your ex. Blocking him or her completely is probably not the best approach, particularly if you are parents together. You need to keep lines of communication open, at least to some extent. The exception to this is if your former partner is truly toxic or harassing.

You should also avoid fixating on your spouse’s social media behavior. Who their friends are or what they are doing tonight probably should not matter to you. If you happen to know their login information, do not access their accounts no matter what. Accessing someone else’s social media account without authorization could land you in a world of legal trouble, including the havoc it could cause on your divorce proceedings.

Contact a Collin County Divorce Lawyer

If you have additional questions about social media and its potential effects on the divorce process in Texas, contact an experienced Frisco family law attorney. Call 972-954-6455 for a confidential consultation at the Pfister Family Law today. We will work hard to help ensure that your rights and best interests are fully protected.



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