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Can I Get Custody of My Grandchildren in Texas?

 Posted on September 11,2024 in Child Custody

Denton County, TX grandparent custody lawyerSome people find the person they want to spend the rest of their lives with, get married, have children, raise a family, and live happily ever after. But many people do not. If a man and woman conceive a baby without being in a committed relationship, the woman might not even tell the man that he is a father. If she does, he might not acknowledge having any responsibility for the child. 

If your daughter struggles with mental health issues or addictions and is not able to take care of herself properly and then gets pregnant without a spouse or boyfriend around, you might feel concerned for the health and safety of that baby. If you want conservatorship over your grandchild, speak with an experienced Collin County, TX family law attorney to understand your options.

When Can I Get Temporary Guardianship Over My Grandchildren?

Your grandchild’s parents can sign something called a Minor Child Power of Attorney if they acknowledge that they are unable to raise your grandchild, at least temporarily. This power of attorney would award you temporary guardianship, which means you get decision-making power for matters that impact your grandchild’s care and upbringing. 

Families generally choose to arrange for temporary guardianship in situations where there is no concern about an unsafe environment and parental mental instability but there might be concerns about a temporary physical inability. Some situations where a temporary guardianship might be a good option include when a parent is relocated for work for a period of time, gets significantly injured and is unable to take care of the child until recovery is complete, or gets deployed for military service. The child’s parents can revoke it at any time, particularly when the reason for it is no longer relevant.

When Can I Get a Court Order for Conservatorship Over My Grandchildren?

You might want to raise your grandchild because mental illness, drug addiction, or other similar reasons are preventing the child’s parents from raising him in a safe and healthy way. In this scenario, you might choose to petition the court for conservatorship. You will need to demonstrate that you are able to raise the child and already have a significant relationship with him. 

You must also prove why this arrangement would serve his best interests, detailing why you want custody in the petition form. You and the child’s parents will have the opportunity to explain your sides of the story during a court hearing, and the judge will decide who will take care of raising the child, based on what is considered in his best interest.

Contact a Prosper, TX Family Law Attorney

If you are concerned for your grandchildren’s safety, speak with a dedicated Denton County, TX conservatorship lawyer to understand your options. At Pfister Family Law we are passionate about helping families get the best outcomes. Call us at 972-954-6455 so we can begin working on your case.

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