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Divorced Parents Should Start Making Holiday Custody Plans Now

 Posted on November 03,2022 in Child Support

Collin County family law attorneyThe calendar has flipped over to November, which means that the winter holiday season is fast approaching. Starting with Thanksgiving later this month, many families will celebrate several holidays over the weeks that follow, possibly including the Winter Solstice, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and New Year's Eve/New Year's Day.

Planning your celebrations is difficult enough for any family, but it can be especially challenging if you share custody of your children with your ex-spouse. With this in mind, it is important to know what your custody agreement says and to begin making arrangements now so that your children can make the most of this year's holiday season.

Review Your Established Holiday Custody Schedule

If you and your co-parent have already established a holiday custody schedule, the first step is to review it to make sure that it is still accurate and up to date. You may find that your overall situation has changed since you originally created it, or that your family’s holiday plans have changed. If any changes need to be made, talk to your co-parent about them as soon as possible so that you can come to an agreement.

If you and your co-parent do not have an established holiday custody schedule, now is the time to create one. This can be done either by yourselves or with the help of an attorney. If you choose to work with a professional, they can help you create a schedule that is fair and takes into account the needs of both parents and children.

Put Your Children's Needs First

No matter what your custody agreement says, it is important to remember that the holiday season is about your children, not you. This means that you should be flexible in your plans and be willing to make adjustments if necessary. If your children have their hearts set on spending Thanksgiving with you but your custody agreement says that they will be with your ex-spouse, try to work something out so that they can have what they want. The same goes for a holiday that your children might want to spend with your ex. Do your best to put your own desires aside so that your children can enjoy the holidays without added stress or guilt.  

Make the Most of Your Time Together

Even if you are not able to spend every holiday with your children, there are still ways to make the most of the time you do have together. If you only have them for Christmas Eve, for example, you can create traditions and memories that they will cherish. The same goes for any other holiday that you are able to spend with your children. Planning ahead and being flexible will go a long way in making sure that both you and your children have a happy holiday season.

Call a Collin County Family Law Attorney

If your review of your custody agreement made you realize that it is overdue for an update, an experienced Frisco custody order modification lawyer can help you take action. Call 972-954-6455 for your initial consultation at Pfister Family Law today. We will work with you in not only providing a memorable holiday experience for your children but also in establishing a new custody arrangement that will serve your children’s best interests for years to come.


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