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Why You Need a Lawyer for Your Texas Divorce

 Posted on July 20,2022 in Divorce

Collin County Family Law AttorneyThe decision about hiring a lawyer to assist with your divorce can be a tough one. Spouses who are relatively young with no children or substantial debt and few valuable assets could probably get through the divorce process without an attorney but doing so is risky. The risk becomes even greater for the majority of divorcing spouses, whose cases are likely to have many more complicating factors.

If you are facing an imminent divorce, you might think that hiring a lawyer will cost too much to be worth it. The reality, however, is that working with a qualified divorce attorney could actually save you money on child support, spousal support, and other considerations. Let’s look at some of the ways that a lawyer can help with your divorce case.

Saving Time and Aggravation

The legal system in the United States is often ranked among the best in the world, but it can certainly be difficult to navigate on your own. Divorce cases—especially those with high conflict or between high-net-worth individuals—may require endless paperwork, conferences, hearings, signatures, and legwork. A divorce is also a highly emotional undertaking, and many people quickly realize that they cannot handle the added responsibilities associated with managing the legal side of their divorce too. A skilled family lawyer can ease your burden and save you time and energy so that you can focus on building your new post-divorce life.

Eliminating Mistakes and Ensuring Accuracy

In the state of Texas, a divorcing couple’s marital property—known as “community property”—is divided equitably between them during a divorce. This means that the assets they have accumulated are not necessarily divided equally. Instead, the assets are divided in a way that is fair based on the couple’s circumstances. With this in mind, an in-depth analysis of each partner’s financial situation is critical to the process. Your lawyer will work with you in evaluating your assets, as well as in representing your income and debt accurately. By doing so, you can be sure that you will not lose out on anything because of an oversight or miscalculation.

Family courts in Texas also have wide discretion in support-related matters, including child support. Texas law provides a baseline for child support calculations, but the state recognizes that each case is different and may include variables that the court may take into account that could affect the amount of support payments. Many of these considerations are not necessarily obvious to the average person, but an attorney who is well-versed in the law will know about them. This means that your lawyer can help ensure that your support orders are as fair and equitable as possible.

Work With a Collin County Divorce Attorney

Movies and television have created very unrealistic views of divorce for the average person, and there is endless bad advice and misinformation making the rounds on the internet. The best way to be certain that you are getting the best possible guidance is by speaking with an experienced Frisco divorce lawyer from Pfister Family Law. Call 972-954-6455 to schedule an initial consultation and case review today.



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